Nach mehr als 15 Jahren als erfolgreiche Fotografin beende ich meine Selbstständigkeit im Dezember 2022. In den letzten Jahren habe ich erfolgreich den Übergang von der Porträtfotografin zur strategischen Geschäftsentwicklung, zum Marketing und zum Innovationsmanagement vollzogen. Ich freue mich darauf, mich voll und ganz auf meinen neuen Beruf zu konzentrieren und in diesem spannenden Bereich weiter zu lernen und zu wachsen.
Ich möchte all meinen Kunden, Freunden und meiner Familie für ihre Unterstützung in den vergangenen Jahren danken. Danke für Euer Vertrauen. Ohne Euch wäre ich heute nicht da, wo ich bin.
Marlén Mieth
After more than a 15 years as a successful portrait photographer, I have decided to close down my business. It has been an incredible journey, and I have loved every minute of it. I have been able to capture beauty and emotions, and have been so grateful for the support and encouragement of my clients.
In the last years, I have successfully made the transition from portrait photographer to strategic business development, marketing and innovation management. I am looking forward to focusing on my new career full time, and to continuing to learn and grow in this exciting field.
As I reflect on my time as a portrait photographer, I feel a mix of emotions. I am proud of all that I have accomplished, and I will always cherish the memories and experiences that I have had. But I am also sad to say goodbye to a part of my identity and the creative outlet that has brought me so much fulfillment.
But I know that this is the right decision for me. I am ready to take on new challenges and to learn and grow in new ways. I am excited for what the future holds, and I am determined to make the most of this exciting new opportunity.
I want to thank all of my clients, friends, and family for their support over the years. I would not be where I am today without you, and I am so grateful for the trust and confidence that you have placed in me.
I am determined to make a positive impact, and to continue to create and inspire. Thank you for being a part of my journey!